Once Upon a Time in Tallaght…

Mervyn Ennis will read excerpts from his book

Once Upon a Time in Tallaght, Tinker Tales and Traveller Stories

and will invite comments, questions and stories from the audience next Thursday evening 22nd March 2012

at 7:00 p.m. at the County Library, Tallaght.

All Welcome!

The County Library is also currently hosting Altered Images, an exhibition of George Gmelch’s photographs of the Travelling community in Rathfarnham in the early 1970s.  George Gmelch is currently Professor of Anthropology at the University of San Francisco. The photographs on display were taken during 1971 and 1972 when he and his wife Sharon, both American college students, came to Ireland to study Traveller life. They purchased a wagon and lived among the Travelling community for a number of months in Holylands, Rathfarnham while they carried out their fieldwork.

This striking exhibition runs until the end of March 2012.

Mary Joyce, Kathleeen McAleer Joyce, and Mick Donoghue. From the George Gmelch Collection, South Dublin Libraries.

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